EMATEM serves to promote the free scientific exchange of information and research in the field of thermal energy measurement.
For this purpose, generally accessible information structures are to be created, e.g. in the form of a free Internet presence and the organisation of international seminars, scientific-technical developments are to be initiated and carried out in a concerted manner within the framework of scientific cooperation, and a discussion forum is to be established in the field of legal metrology with the aim of harmonised conformity assessment procedures and market surveillance strategies.
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Application for membership
Association statutes
Association statutes
EMATEM serves to promote the free scientific exchange of information and research in the field of thermal energy measurement.
The measurement of thermal energy is the elementary prerequisite for saving heating or cooling energy, as this is largely obtained through the utilisation of fossil fuels, the saving of which thus directly serves to reduceCO2 emissions and protect the environment, and the correct measurement serves to protect consumers in Europe.
With the introduction of the European Measurement Instruments Directive (MID), the respective national calibration laws have been adapted, strengthening the responsibility of manufacturers.
In order to maintain the high level of protection for consumers and the environment, it is necessary that the specialised laboratories for the measurement of thermal energy of the NMI's, the notified bodies and other institutions working in this field combine their capacities and their competences in a coordinated manner in a mutual balance of interests in the form of a network and make their findings available to manufacturers, users and consumers quickly and without their own economic interests.
For this purpose, EMATEM creates generally accessible information structures, e.g. in the form of a free Internet presence and the organisation of international seminars, initiates scientific and technical developments and carries them out in a concerted manner within the framework of scientific cooperation.
§ 1
Name, Seat, Business Year
- The association shall bear the name European Metrology Association for Thermal Energy Measurement (EMATEM) and shall be entered in the register of associations. After registration it shall bear the suffix "e. V.".
- The association has its seat in Berlin.
- The financial year of the Association shall be the calendar year
§ 2
Purpose, tasks, non-profit status
The European Metrology Association for Thermal Energy Measurement (EMATEM) sets itself the following goals:
- EMATEM as European Information Desk for Thermal Energy Measurement
Knowledge transfer regarding existing publications and the measurement possibilities (measurement conditions, measurement uncertainties) of the NMIs or notified bodies and other institutions working in the field of thermal energy measurement.
Publicly accessible internet-based information system, international workshops, technical seminars and conferences.
- Implementation of coordinated research activities, mediation of scientific cooperations
Preparatory technical discussions and scientific "state-of-the-art" investigations for the cooperation of NMI's or notified bodies with international metrological bodies, such as EURAMET, CEN, OIML, WELMEC.
Mutual agreements on test methods for heat meters.
- The association serves the promotion of science and research. The association exclusively and directly pursues non-profit purposes within the meaning of the section "Tax-privileged purposes" of the German Tax Code.
- The purpose of the statutes is realised in particular through the following measures:
- Implementation of further training measures on EMATEM topics in the form of international seminars and workshops,
- Coordinate research activities that are in line with EMATEM's objectives, with timely publication of all results,
- Organisation of and participation in national and international cooperations in the field of thermal energy measurement,
- Expansion of information structures and development of common databases for measuring thermal energy,
- Public information on current scientific topics in the field of thermal energy measurement.
§ 3
- The Association finances measures to fulfil the purpose of the Association, among other things, through donations and by holding training events for which a fee is charged. Membership is free of charge, unless the general meeting decides otherwise.
- The amount and due date of annual subscriptions or contributions shall be determined by the General Assembly.
- The association is selflessly active and does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes. The funds of the association may only be used for purposes in accordance with the statutes. Members shall not receive any benefits from the Association's funds. No person may be favoured by expenses that are alien to the purpose of the association or by disproportionately high remuneration.
- In the event of the dissolution of the Association or the discontinuation of its previous purpose, the assets of the Association shall be transferred to the Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft e.V. for the purpose of scientific research in the field of thermal energy measurement.
§ 4
- Natural and legal persons are admitted as members of the association upon written application, e.g. NMIs and notified bodies, market surveillance organisations, consumer protection organisations, commercial enterprises, university and non-university research institutions, associations and other organisations from the fields of activity of thermal energy measurement.
- The legal entities shall authorise a natural person to attend the general meetings as their representative and to make the declarations and perform the acts required for the exercise of membership. In the event that the authorised representative is prevented from attending, a substitute may be sent. Each legal entity may only be represented by a natural person. The Executive Board shall decide on the application for membership.
§ 5
Termination of membership
Membership ends:
- by resigning from the association with a notice period of three months to the end of the financial year,
- by dissolution in the case of legal entities,
- by exclusion. Expulsion is only permitted for good cause. It shall be decided by a ¾ majority vote of the General Assembly.
§ 6
Organs of the Association
The organs of the Association are the Executive Board, the Scientific Advisory Board and the General Assembly.
§ 7
Board of Directors
- The Executive Committee of the Association shall consist of the Chairperson, his or her Deputy and one other member.
- The members of the Board shall be elected from among the members of the Association by the General Assembly for a period of two years. Their re-election is possible. Each member of the Board shall be elected individually. Natural persons are eligible for election (§ 4 paragraph 2). If a member of the Executive Board resigns during the term of office, the Executive Board shall elect a substitute member for the remaining term of office of the resigning member. As a rule, the election of the members of the Executive Board should take place during the meetings of the General Assembly.
- The Association shall be represented judicially and extrajudicially by two members of the Executive Board, one of whom shall be the Chairperson or his/her Deputy.
§ 8
Responsibility of the Board of Directors
- The Executive Committee is responsible for the affairs of the Association, unless they are assigned to another body by the Statutes. Its main tasks are as follows:
- Preparation and chairing of the Board Meeting and the General Meeting and setting of an agenda,
- Convening the Scientific Advisory Board and the General Assembly,
- Execution of the resolutions of the General Assembly,
- Creation and maintenance of the EMATEM website. Preparation of the international seminars and workshops,
- To prepare a budget for each financial year,
- To submit an annual statement of accounts at an ordinary general meeting,
- To keep a record of the income and expenditure of the Association,
- Adoption of resolutions on the admission of members.
- The Executive Board may entrust a member or external persons with the task pursuant to paragraph 1 No. 7.
§ 9
Adoption of resolutions by the Board of Directors
- The Executive Board shall generally pass its resolutions in Executive Board meetings, which shall be convened by the Chairperson or, if the Chairperson is prevented from doing so, by the Vice-Chairperson, in writing, by email, by telephone or by fax. In any case, a notice period of four weeks shall be observed. The Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum if at least two members, including the Chairperson or his/her deputy, are present. Resolutions shall be passed by a majority of the valid votes cast. Abstentions shall be considered invalid votes. In the event of a tie, the head of the Executive Committee meeting shall have the casting vote.
- The resolutions of the Executive Board shall be recorded in minutes and signed by the chairman of the meeting.
- The Executive Committee may also adopt resolutions by written procedure if all members of the Executive Committee agree to the subject matter of the resolution. If a member of the Executive Committee objects to the adoption of a resolution, an ordinary meeting of the Executive Committee shall be convened and the resolution shall be adopted in accordance with § 9 paragraph 1.
§ 10
- An office shall be established for the day-to-day administration of the Association. The office shall keep the records of the Association and act on behalf of the Executive Committee.
- The office shall ensure that copies of all business correspondence are stored separately (e.g. digitally).
§ 11
Scientific Advisory Board
- EMATEM shall establish an Advisory Board composed of experts in the field of thermal energy measurement. The members of the advisory board can be proposed by the board as well as by the members. They are elected by the General Assembly for a period of 4 years. Their re-election is possible. The maximum number of Advisory Board members is determined by the General Assembly.
- The advisory board provides strategic guidance and advises the association scientifically and with regard to the international orientation of its activities.
- The Advisory Council shall meet as necessary and appoint a chairman. The invitation to the meetings shall be issued by the Association's office at the instigation of the Executive Board. As a rule, the Executive Board shall be invited to attend the meetings of the Advisory Board. Membership of the Advisory Council is honorary. No remuneration shall be granted for the activity. Travel expenses shall be reimbursed upon request.
§ 12
Amendments to the Articles of Association
A ²/3 majority of the votes of all members is required for resolutions on amendments to the statutes. A change in the purpose of the Association (§ 2 paragraph 1) can only be decided upon if the non-profit status of the Association is not thereby revoked. The written consent of members not present at the general meeting or not represented by proxy may only be declared in writing to the executive committee within one month.
§ 13
General Assembly
- Each member shall have one vote at the General Assembly. Another member may be authorised in writing to exercise the voting right. This authorisation shall be granted separately for each general meeting.
- The General Assembly shall be responsible for the following tasks:
- Election and dismissal of the members of the Executive Committee. Election and appointment of two auditors, who may be appointed from within the Association and who shall submit a report to the General Assembly once a year,
- Election and dismissal of the members of the Scientific Advisory Board,
- Acceptance of the annual report of the Executive Board,
- Approval of the budget prepared by the Executive Board for the next financial year,
- Discharge of the Executive Board on the basis of the annual statement of accounts and the auditors' report,
- Recommendations to the Board of Directors,
- for topics for international seminars and workshops,
- Determination of the amount and due date of membership fees,
- Resolution on the dissolution of the Association,
- Adoption of resolutions on the exclusion of members and complaints on the rejection of applications for admission,
- Appointment of natural persons as honorary members,
- Amendments to the Articles of Association.
§ 14
Convening and passing resolutions of the general meeting
- The General Assembly of Members shall take place at least once a year. It shall be convened by the Executive Board with four weeks' notice in writing, stating the agenda, e.g. by e-mail. Each member may request an addition to or amendment of the agenda in writing no later than two weeks before the general meeting. The chairman of the meeting shall add to or amend the agenda accordingly at the beginning of the meeting. The General Assembly shall constitute a quorum if at least one third of all members of the Association are present. Voting rights may be transferred by a member no later than 14 days before the date of the meeting and must be notified to the Executive Committee.
- The General Assembly shall adopt resolutions by a simple majority of the valid votes cast. Abstentions shall be considered as invalid votes.
- At the beginning of the meeting, the general meeting shall elect a chairman of the meeting and a secretary from among the members present in person.
- Minutes shall be taken of the resolutions of each general meeting. The minutes shall be signed by the chairman of the meeting and the keeper of the minutes.
- The manner of voting shall be determined by the chairman of the meeting. The vote must be conducted in writing if one third of the members present and entitled to vote so request.
- Resolutions may also be passed by written ballot (by email or letter) between General Meetings.
§ 15
Dissolution of the association
- The dissolution of the Association can only be decided in a resolution of the General Assembly with a ¾ majority of the votes of all members.
- If the general meeting does not decide otherwise, the chairman of the board and his deputy shall be joint liquidators authorised to represent the association.
- The assets available after the end of the liquidation shall be transferred to the Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft e. V. (§ 3 para. 4).
These Articles of Association shall be submitted by a member of the Board or by the tax representative of EMATEM e.V. to the competent registration court and to the tax office for corporations for approval.
It replaces the previous version of 5 February 2003.