We are pleased to welcome two new members to the EMATEM family: Weihai Ploumeter Co LTD [...]
Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you are all well and full of anticipation for our [...]
Ladies and gentlemen, dear review board, we hope you are all safe and sound [...]
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, The Board of EMATEM e.V. hereby invites you to another EMATEM seminar [...].
Dear members and interested parties of EMATEM, we are pleased to inform you already now about the dates for our [...]
Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you are all well and full of anticipation for our [...]
Another turbulent year is coming to an end, we have all mastered many challenges. We hope [...]
"After" the EMATEM Summer School is "before" the EMATEM Summer School. Already now the date and the [...]
Enclosed you will find all the lectures that were presented at the 18th International Summer School Lectures: Title Presenter [...]
Nowadays, social networks make it easier to connect people all over the world. Especially when it comes to capturing [...]
Ladies and Gentlemen, we hope you are all well and full of anticipation for our [...]
Our international EMATEM Summer School will take place again this year. Make a note of the date: [...]
Board of Directors


Dr. Jürgen Rose
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
Abbe Street 2-12
10587 Berlin
phone: +49 (0) 30 34 81 72 50
fax: +49 (0) 30 34 81 69 7386
email: info@ematem.org

Vice chairman

Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Wien
Expert for measurement and billing
Castle Square 4
72379 Hechingen
phone: +49 (0) 7471 9970887
email: info@ematem.org

Vice chairman

Humphrey Louis Spoor, M. Sc. in Physics
Sontex SA / Expert witness
Rue de la Gare 27
2605 Sonceboz-Sombeval
phone: +41 (0) 79 521 44 42
email: info@ematem.org

Office /Secretariat

Gerlinde Eichhorn
PTB Physico-Technical Federal Institute
Abbestr. 2 - 12
10587 Berlin
phone: +49 (0) 30 3481 7270
fax: +49 (0) 30 3481 69 7386
email: info@ematem.org

Advisory Board

Dr. Thomas Eichler
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
Abbe Street 2-12
10587 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0) 30 34 81-7651
Email: thomas.eichler@ptb.de

Dr. Arne Kähler
Techem Research Institute on Sustainability
Main Street 89
65760 Eschborn
Eschborn, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 172 6605 078
Email: arne.kaehler@techem.de

Ulrich Kunstein
Landis + Gyr GmbH
Humboldtstr. 64
90459 Nuremberg
Tel.: + 49 175 9995119

Jesper Eriksen
Kamstrup A/S
Industrivej 28
8660 Skanderborg
Phone: +45 40981033
Email: je@kamstrup.com

Humphrey Louis Spoor, M. Sc. in Physics
Sontex SA / Expert witness
Rue de la Gare 27
2605 Sonceboz-Sombeval
phone: +41 (0) 79 521 44 42
email: info@ematem.org

Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Wien
Expert for measurement and billing
Castle Square 4
72379 Hechingen
Tel: +49 (0) 7471 9970887
Email: joachim.wien@gmx.de

Frank Espig
Stresemannallee 30
60596 Frankfurt
Phone: +49 (0) 69 6304 251
Email: f.espig@agfw.de

Philip Holoch
Belimo Automation AG
Brunnenbachstr. 1
8340 Hinwil
Phone: +41 43 843 6773
Email: philip.holoch@belimo.ch